Where is the best place to spend your weekend?
How to order food at home?
Where to take clothes to dry cleaning?
Which hotel is worth the money?
Where to dress yourself and your family and for how much?
Where and how are "different" drinks purchased?
Where is the most delicious "burger" served?
Where to find a good osteopath?
Which taxi is better to order and how?
Which beauty parlor to go to?
How to visit the beach in a 5-star hotel for 20 AED?
What is the best free beach?
Find a restaurant for your family or bride-to-be?
How to dine in the best restaurants with a 20-30% discount?
Which stores are more cost-effective for the family budget?
Where is the best place to undergo a medical examination?
How to ride a good yacht with pleasure?
How to check your eyesight and order optics?
How to get a driver's license?
How to order home cleaning?
Which mall is worth visiting?
How and from whom to buy real estate?
How to skydive?
How and where to fly by helicopter?
How and where to rent a car?
Which dentist should I go to?
How to visit the best gyms for 1 cup of coffee?
How to drive in the desert on a car and a camel?
Where can I find the best massages?
....... and much more!
About us and our knowledge
Our experience of living in the Middle East and Dubai is 24 years. We know all the subtleties of life, traditions, laws, prohibitions ... in Dubai and the UAE as a whole. We are asked:
What and where to find?
What and where to buy at the best price?
What, where and how to do it right?
What can and cannot be done?
What and how to ride, fly, swim?
Where and how do they do this or that?
Why doesn't it work this way?
Where better to go to do it?
And another 1000 what, who, where, when, why, why, how and how much? We know the answers to all the questions! We do it quickly, precisely and with pleasure!
Good afternoon, dear friends, colleagues, as well as old and new acquaintances! Some of you know me well, and some don't, and it doesn't really matter, because for everyone with whom I interact in my life, I have equally wonderful, warm feelings, filled with love, understanding and the desire to make their lives more comfortable!

My name is Valeria Zhmykhova. I am the founder and managing curator of the "Concierge Service" area of focus in our company. My 24-year experience of living in the Middle East is filled with all sorts of experiences, acquaintances, relationships and emotions. All these years I have grown, matured and developed with Dubai, both physically and spiritually. Thanks to such a long communication with this beautiful emirate of the UAE, my collection of knowledge is now full of answers and solutions to thousands of important questions! Believe me, any, even seemingly unsolvable problem, has its own solution. To find this solution, you need to know how to successfully achieve it. Lots of them are known to me, and thanks to my experience, I'm quickly able to find the missing ones! However, I am just as ordinary of a person as you, dear friends. Naturally, I do not have the opportunity in my daily life to answer everyone's questions in a quick and correct manner. The communication priority during working hours are my VIP-clients who appreciate my knowledge and capabilities!

Concierge service is one of my commercial activities in Dubai. This area also includes consulting my clients on any issues related to life in the UAE, as well as individual questions on various topics. My excellent professional team and I approach any task with high quality, but the choice of service is up to you. Everyone determines the price and value criteria for themselves. In order to do this you need to review the service packages and choose your own. The description will help you understand what you feel and need at the moment. Out of all my many VIP clients, not a single one is dissatisfied, I guarantee you that! Eventually, the time will come when you receive all the information you need for yourself and we will remain good acquaintances, and maybe even friends!

With love and respect, Valeria
Your guide in Dubai and the UAE!
Valeriya Zhmykhava
Founder of the project
Our suggestions
Giving more quality information is all it takes to guide our members through the right steps!
2333 AED per month
Living in Dubai
3333 AED per month
VIP in Dubai
7999 AED per month
Compilation of an individual package
We also have the option of compiling an individual package or solving a one-time necessary task, depending on your requests, wishes and capabilities. We are always open, full of knowledge, energy and solutions to make your life in Dubai easier and more beautiful!
Personal connection with the curator of the project
Videoconference with the project curator
Videoconference with the project curator
Dubai VIP Transfer (1 trip per month, 3 hours)
Transfer in Dubai VIP (Included in the solution of offline tasks)
Personal meeting with Valeria
Personal meeting with Valeria, at any time (on request)
Offline solution of any task (10 tasks per month)
Assistance in holding a business meeting
19999 AED per month
The entire list of services from previous packages
Online solution to any problem (unlimited)
Offline solution of any task (1 time per day, 4 hours a day)
Transfer in Dubai VIP (1 time, 4 hours a day, every day)
Organization of business meetings and events
One-time services
Transfer / consultation airport, 3 hours - 500 aed
Transfer / consultation Dubai>Abu Dhabi>Dubai 4-5 hours - 1800 aed
Online translator, 1 hour - 400 aed
Transfer / consultation in Dubai, 3 hours - 1000 aed
Offline solution (personal presence) of the problem - 1000 aed
Online problem solving - 350 aed
Consultation (videoconference 60 minutes) - 400 aed
Consultation (Face-to-face meeting 60 minutes) - 600 aed
Offline translator, 1 hour - 500 aed
Preparation and holding of the event - from 10000 aed
Translation of documents - from 600 aed (depending on the number of pages)
Dubai VIP Transfer (1 trip per month, 3 hours)
Personal connection with the curator of the project
Online solution of any problem (1 time per day)
Personal connection with the curator of the project
Video conference with the project curator (on request)
Online solution of any problem (1 time per day)
Interpreter service
Our advantages

We have 7 expensive pearls that we cherish

and share their magic with our friends!

  • The First Pearl
    20 years of living and working in the Middle East and directly in Dubai. We really know a lot and can do it!
  • The Second Pearl
    We are the first to make this product, so voluminously and qualitatively, in the market of Dubai and the UAE.
  • The Third Pearl
    We have a professional team with deep knowledge and necessary competencies in various spheres of life, as well as commercial activities, in Dubai and the UAE!
  • The Fourth Pearl
    We work for the result. Our mission is to help people find answers and solutions quickly and clearly. With minimal resistance to integrate into the region of Dubai and the UAE!
  • The Fifth Pearl
    We save our community not only time, but also money. Our capabilities and actions allow us to put the definition of price and value on the same level!
  • The Sixth Pearl
    We value and protect the privacy of relations with our clients. Confidentiality of all relationships, along with quality, occupies the first place in the list of basic principles of development of our company!
  • The Seventh Pearl
    We invest in the process of our work not only knowledge and vast experience, but also our love, feelings, spiritual energy! Thus, achieving an incredible understanding between all members of our community!
Our direct interaction with you can take place during 10 hours a day, from 8am to 6pm. If for any reason, your question, which was asked by the end of working hours, remained unanswered, you do not need to worry, the answer to this question will be announced in the morning of the next day. We don't have days off, so your weekends are our everyday life, and accordingly we are always in touch. Since the circle of my communication and interaction in Dubai is huge and diverse, all members of our community will have the opportunity to receive my personal recommendations for certain services, goods, events, entertainment and much more, sometimes with certain discounts and some of them will be constantly updated and supplemented. Believe me, it will not be boring! These kinds of recommendations will be given only after my personal evaluation of the product or service, which are proposed by one or another partner, and I am very scrupulous about the quality of everything! All this is done to ensure that all our clients receive not only moral, but material satisfaction from cooperation with us! For participants who hold their own business, a certain time is provided, to be in the forefront of our partners for free, and, accordingly, to increase their solvent audience in the UAE.

Also, our team has the knowledge and capabilities in many other areas necessary for a comfortable life in Dubai! These are legal services, accounting support for business, company registration, visa support, opening bank accounts for companies and individuals, advice on the sale of real estate in Dubai. All the verified contacts and reliable partners will be provided as well as entertainment and information events, and many, many, many more necessary, beautiful and useful things to fulfill your desires in this wonderful region!!!

+971 58 590 97 27
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